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Service Options Below

Options to Help You Achieve Your Best


New to Pathways Massage? Start Here!

First time getting a massage with Pathways Massage?

Start with a Introductory 75 Minute Orthopedic Assessment & Bodywork for Athletes session! Perfect for professional AND everyday athletes, this session combines in depth orthopedic assessment techniques and various bodywork modalities to help you avoid injuries, recover from training, and improve overall performance and quality of life.

Short on Time?

Schedule an Express Orthopedic Assessment and Bodywork for Athletes!
A 45 minute in office appointment tailored to address a specific complaint or injury. We’ll assess the complaint together, discuss treatment, and formulate self care options.


Customized for Your Goals

Have a nagging injury? Lack of range of motion keeping you from hitting that next PR? Pathways Massage can help!

Orthopedic Assessment & Bodywork for Athletes sessions allow us to find the root cause of your pain and, through a variety of techniques, resolve it! Available in 75 Minute (for one or two areas of complaint), and 105 Minute (most popular - allows attention to the whole body).


Need Some Maintenance?

Sometimes you just need a tune-up. Orthopedic Massage sessions are just the thing to keep you and your muscles pliable and mobile. Available for 60 Minutes, 90 Minutes (most popular!), and 120 Minutes.
